京海酒水三利尚杰房地產開發商品牌的開發技術的開發技術有限制的品牌設立于201歷經四年,辦理大公司辦理地址址為京海酒水市新華區北二環西路23號,品牌設立同一時間成就 的開發技術了60萬平夠觀瀾名城別墅及觀瀾公館金融業工程項目,并獲取成就 ,省會觀瀾名城、觀瀾公館的發動,是萬騰房地產開發商的開發技術的又新發現的次跨域,象征著萬騰房地產開發商的開發技術在城市擴展經濟發展的方面邁向了穩固的幾步,對力促全國的全球戰略方式 的成就 ,奠定了穩固的基本知識。 Shijiazhuang sanli Chris hayes real estate development co.,LTD,founded in 2014,the registered address is shijiazhuang xinhua district north west road no.23,after the company was founded has successfully developed 60 square meters guanlan town residential and commercial projects,mission hills residence and succeed,the capital of the start of the mission,mission hills in new residence,is the property of cross again,marked the wan teng estate development in the regional expansion has taken a solid step,to promote the success of the national strategic layout,laid a solid foundation.